International Private Leased Circuit - Direct Connect

International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC) – Direct Connect connects directly from the customer’s office in Vietnam to the customer’s location globally and directly to the major Cloud service providers to ensure security confidentiality, dedicated bandwidth, and low latency.

Service characteristics

All fiber infrastructure

Private connection from Vietnam to any point on a global scale with low latency.

High speed, stability

Meet all bandwidth requirements from 1Mbps to 10Gbps.

Ethernet interface

Provide easy connectivity.

SDH, Ethernet, MPLS Technology

Convenient management, high reliability and scalability.

Multi services

Stable connection quality and the highest commitment to bandwidth and latency.

Monitoring System , Link Monitoring

Automatically check the service every 5 minutes, and 24/24 with an alarm system.

Technical support

The service is monitored 24/7, supported by a team of professional technicians.

Service characteristics

Availability: 99,99%

Guaranteed packet transmission: 99.50%

Time of solve problem with cable: ≤4H

Technical Support 24/7

Onsite support: ≤1H

Onsite support: ≤1H

Suggested Add-Ons Services

Public Cloud

Public Cloud Service is built on the only cloud computing platform in Vietnam, verified by VMware, complying with VMW's strict global safety and high stability regulations.

Virtual Private Cloud

Virtual Private Cloud is an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) that provides a full package of resources completely separated from a public cloud computing infrastructure on VMware platform, ensuring control, visibility and security.

Dedicated Private Cloud

Dedicated Private Cloud provides a dedicated virtual server system using cloud computing technology, ensuring security, resource independence, saving hardware costs, and optimizing the management system.

We are ready to help you